Health and Science2023-06-28T02:10:37-07:00

Health and Science

Legislation Expanding Medical Marijuana Access Becomes Law in DC

Following its approval by Washington DC lawmakers in December last year, legislation to radically shake up the medical cannabis program of the nation’s capital has become law. Among the raft of changes, marijuana business licensing caps have been eliminated, medical cannabis operators will receive significant tax relief, new social equity initiatives will be introduced and new marijuana-related business categories have been created, including cannabis cooking classes and on-site consumption sites. ...

April 12, 2023|0 Comments

Marijuana has long been connected to health and wellness, though its full ability to be scientifically studied is restricted by federal regulations. While most states have a medical marijuana program in place, each has its own laws, qualifying conditions, and restrictions. Our articles cover the latest in medical marijuana news across the country.  

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